Thursday, January 1, 2009

Read Through the Bible

I have created a RSS Read Through the Bible in a Year feed at the top of the column on the right. This comes by way of the ESV Bible and Crossway Publishing. They actually have several plans and delivery methods available; you can even have them emailed it to you each day if you prefer. Or, if you want to keep it simple, you can simply check in here each day and the reading for the day will be available by clicking on the link.

Here are the Crossway options:

The ESV Bible Reading Plans can be accessed in multiple ways:

web (a new reading each day appears online at the same link)
RSS (subscribe to receive by RSS)
email (subscribe to receive by email)
iCal (download an iCalendar file)
mobile (view a new reading each day on your mobile device)
print (download a PDF of the whole plan)
listen (download mp3s, or listen online)

There are about 10 plans available. Go to that link to access each plan in any of the options above.

I have committed to doing it this year, anyone want to join me? I would love to hvae you - if so, leave a note and we can encourage each other along the way.

Bill H

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