Saturday, October 25, 2008

Theophilus Instructions

One major component of our course will be administered through our course Blog which you are at if you are reading this.
This blog is for our class members, and anyone else you would like to share it with (and I encourage you to do so and to seek their feedback and comments). In it, we will share information and insights we gain in our collaborative study of this fascinating Gospel account of the life of Jesus.

In verse 1:1, Theophilus is identified as the recipient of the Gospel from Luke. We, in a way, are modern day “Theophilus-types.” Like him, we are seeking to discern, interpret, and share with each other, and any who care to join us, the information Luke is giving. And in doing so, we desire to grow in our own commitment to know and live for Jesus Christ.

The main focus or our content will be your feedback and thoughts of application from the course text: "Luke for Everyone." While very informative, this book is essentially a devotion study of Luke, with a purpose of personal formation for the reader. It is on our course blog, where I want you to share your own spiritual grow and development, and seek to encourage others by it, as we study this Gospel together.

I will post the first three, and from there on out, I will provide a schedule so that each member of the class will post. For the first week, Andy will go Wednesday, Byron on Friday, and Jennie on Saturday. In the end, you will have about 5 that you will do. They will be delivered 6 days a week (Mon-Sat). You will send your article to me: I will do a final edit, format it, and then post it on the blog site.

In addition, each of you will be expected to leave two (2) "COMMENTS" to your class peers' posts as well. In order to do that, you'll need to set up a Blogger Name and Password. Do so, by clicking on the COMMENT link at the bottom of any post, and follow the instructions given there.

One big goal is for this blog to be something you can minister to the greater body of Christ through; so please, share it with friends and family, and invite them to leave a "comment" or two as well.

The Detailed Instructions are . . .

This blog and the posts you enter should be applicational , with an emphasis on personal spiritual formation . The nature of your posts can be as creative as you want. It could be an "ah ha" thing, a devotional thought, a challenge, an illustration of something you are learning in your Luke study, it could include a link to something that is appropriately related [another site, a You Tube video, an online message, a book you're suggesting, another online article or blog post, etc., etc.

The idea is: this a blog and it is our contribution to the rest of the world--literally--to help them learn from us important and relevant truth of spiritual formation that we are gleaming from our study of Luke's Gospel . Thus the important criteria: 1) Related to the content of Luke from the section we are in; preferably, the section assigned to you; 2) it is meaningful or relevant to spiritual formation; and 3) it is fresh and creative (be sure it is related to the content of the week). Moreover, this personal reflection should be with an aim of ministering to the others who will read it. And, I encourage you to respond to each others' posts as well.

More specific details are given on the course website under the link title: Course Blog-Theophilus

Bill H


Shannon Birdsall said...

Are the 2 comments supposed to be per person who blogs or is 2 a total for the week?

Janis said...

Can I comment on your instruction?
You are doing a lovely job!
Your Theophilus-type student - Janis
Does this count as a comment?