Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

I want to extend to each of you very sincere "Merry Christmas" greeting. In doing so, I offer as a gift to you the very first Christmas sermon ever preached, by St. John "The Golden Throat" Chrysostom in 386. The Antiochian Christans were the first to celebrate the Incarnation with its own special day, December 25, and here's how Chrysostom addressed those assembled on the morning of the Christ Mass:

I behold a new and wondrous mystery! My ears resound to the Shepherd's song, piping no soft melody, but chanting full forth a heavenly hymn.

The Angels sing!
The Archangels blend their voices in harmony!
The Cherubim hymn their joyful praise!
The Seraphim exalt His glory!

All join to praise this holy feast, beholding the Godhead here on earth, and man in heaven. He who is above, now for our redemption dwells here below; and he that was lowly is by divine mercy raised.

Bethlehem this day resembles heaven; hearing from the stars the singing of angelic voices; and in place of the sun, enfolds within itself on every side the Sun of Justice.

And ask not how: for where God wills, the order of nature yields. For He willed, he had the power, He
descended, He redeemed; all things move in obedience to God.

This day He Who Is, is Born; and He Who Is becomes what He was not. For when He was God, He
became man; yet not departing from the Godhead that is His. Nor yet by any loss of divinity became He man, nor through increase became he God from man; but being the Word He became flesh, His nature, because of impassibility, remaining unchanged.

And so the kings have come, and they have seen the heavenly King that has come upon the earth, not bringing with Him Angels, nor Archangels, nor Thrones, nor Dominations, nor Powers, nor Principalities, but, treading a new and solitary path, He has come forth from a spotless womb.

Yet He has not forsaken His angels, nor left them deprived of His care, nor because of
His Incarnation has he departed from the Godhead.

And behold,

Kings have come, that they might adore the heavenly King of glory;
Soldiers, that they might serve the Leader of the Hosts of Heaven; Women, that they might adore Him Who was born of a woman so that He might change the pains of child- birth into joy;
Virgins, to the Son of the Virgin, beholding with joy, that He Who is the Giver of milk, Who has decreed that the fountains of the breast pour forth in ready streams, receives from a Virgin Mother the food of infancy;
Infants, that they may adore Him Who became a little child, so that out of the mouth of infants and sucklings, He might perfect praise;
Children, to the Child Who raised up martyrs through the rage of Herod;
Men, to Him Who became man, that He might heal the miseries of His servants;
Shepherds, to the Good Shepherd Who has laid down His life for His sheep; Priests, to Him Who has become a High Priest according to the order of Melchisedech;
Servants, to Him Who took upon Himself the form of a servant that He might bless our
servitude with the reward of freedom;
Fishermen, to Him Who from amongst fishermen chose catchers of men;
Publicans, to Him Who from amongst them named a chosen Evangelist;
Sinful women, to Him Who exposed His feet to the tears of the repentant;

And that I may embrace them all together, all sinners have come, that they may look upon the Lamb of God Who taketh away the sins of the world.

Since therefore all rejoice, I too desire to rejoice. I too wish to share the choral dance, to celebrate the festival. But I take my part, not plucking the harp, not shaking the Thyrsian staff, not with the music of pipes, nor holding a torch, but holding in my arms the cradle of Christ. For this is all my hope, this my life, this my salvation, this my pipe, my harp. And bearing it I come, and having from its power received the gift of speech, I too, with the angels, sing: Glory to God in the Highest;and with the shepherds: and on earth peace to men of good will.

To that I can only add: thank God for all of you, and Merry Christmas. To close, I offer this musical gift to you . . .

Bill H

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Luke 20:9-19 ~ Bad Tenants

The Parable of the Tenants

Jesus tells this parable as a direct answer to the questions the Jewish religious leaders are asking themselves at the end of the last scene (Luke 20:5-8); specifically, the question of Jesus’ authority? If they had any doubts that he was calling himself God, those doubts were all erased with this tale. It is quite clear by their reaction at the end of the scene that Jesus would not have to explain this one; yeah, they “got it!” (Luke 20:19).

In the parable, the land owner is God, the tenants farmers represent Israel (specifically, the religious leaders of Israel) and the messengers were the prophets of the Old Testament. Moreover, the most important figure in the story is the vineyard owner’s son: symbolic of Jesus himself.

In the OT God is often portrayed as the vineyard owner of Israel (e.g., Psalm 80:8-13; Hosea 10:1), and the prophets were rejected and even killed in many ways by the Jewish people (e.g., Jeremiah 26:7-11; 2 Chronicles 24:21). But what is new, is the Vineyard owner’s son. And the implication was not lost on the hearers, the answer to their question of Jesus’ authority (Luke 20:1-2) is the “son figure” in the parable, he was Jesus. Jesus is clearly making the assertion that he is God. And they didn’t miss the connection, or the point.

He (Jesus) was sent by God and was acting on the Father’s authority, and their rejection of him is a rejection of God.

Unfortunately we will not have the time to finish our blogging journey through Luke’s gospel. This parable is a fitting conclusion to our collaborative study in the Theophilus blog. This poignant parable is a vivid reminder of Luke’s consistent message to Theophilus: that Jesus is God and he has come into the world to “seek and to save” (Luke 19:10).

There are so many application directions this could go, but I’ll finish with this one for all of us: don’t be like these religious leaders, don’t reject the work of God, get on board with what God is doing and figure out where you can contribute. Theophilus needed to hear this, as do we.

Thus, we should heed the reminder that Wright gives us in “Luke for Everyone”: we must declare by our life and words, that this way “has already triumphed in Jesus, that the renewed vineyard is bearing fruit, that the new Temple is being built, with the cornerstone already in place” (239).

You picked up the idea that I like videos (I love using YouTube), well this video by my friend Andrew Peterson is an excellent reminder of the awesome message Theophilus, and we, are entrusted with, "believe it and proclaim it":

(Andrew is an incredibly gifted singer and song writer; I encourage you to check out his work at: Andrew Peterson.)

Bill H

Friday, December 19, 2008

Luke 19:41-48 ~ Peace & Good Will

Peace on Earth, Good Will To Men

As we go into the Christmas season, we will hear many voices raised in song to the peace and joy God desired for people, his special creation. The reality was that few recognized the Savior who brought that peace. (Luke 19:42) Coming to His special city Jerusalem at the end of His earthly life, Jesus broke down and wept. Instead of peace, judgment would come. Jesus could see the city in ruins because they had rejected the payment of the Holy God for their sins…. “you didn’t know the moment when God was visiting you.” (Luke 19:44)

In the Old Testament, the prophet Elisha looked intently at Hazael and wept. (II Kings 8:12) Elisha could see that Hazael would become the king of Aram and butcher many Israelites. As we look into the faces we pass, can we see the pain that sin is causing in their lives? The horror of an eternity without Christ? Does what we read in the newspaper and see on the news break our hearts, and move us to prayer? I remember weeping bitterly as I read about the life of a man who organized the abortion clinic in State College because I was moved by his pain.

Our God is a Holy God, who hates what sin does to His creation. In the next scene Jesus is driving out the money changers in His fury. (Luke 19:45-46) Perversion of what was to be the house of prayer violated God’s house and separated Gentiles from the opportunity to worship as the Gentile court was taken over as a robber’s den. Do people who peddle sin in our communities make us angry? What will we do about it? Will we pray for them this Christmas season, and offer them the peace that God so graciously has given us? (John 1:12)


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Prodigal Sons ~ Modern Parables

And concerning our most recent project . . .

Looks like some great resources.

BIll H

Social Gospel ?

I just came across this on the Christian Post website and blog and thought you might find it of interest in light of our Redemptive Presence assignment. I read it with curiosity and satisfaction, as the work that you did fully agrees with and supports Warren's accurate (at least I think so) opinion on this issue:

Social Gospel is 'Marxism in Christian Clothing,' Says Warren
By Jennifer Riley
Christian Post Reporter
Tue, Dec. 16 2008 03:35 PM EST

Best-selling author, social activist and megachurch pastor Rick Warren described the social gospel supported by many of the mainline churches as “Marxism in Christian clothing.”

“[W]e don’t need to care about redemption, the cross, repentance. All we need to do is redeem the social structures of society and if we make those social structures better the world will become a better place,” explained Warren as he described the beliefs behind those who support the "social gospel," in his interview with, which was posted Monday.

“Really in many ways it was just Marxism in Christian clothing,” he criticized. “[I]t was in vogue at that time that if we redeem society then man will automatically get better. It didn’t deal with the heart.”

Warren, recognized as one of the most socially active Christians in the world, did not hold back his criticism of those who call themselves Christians but seek to make the world a better place by focusing on the body – issues of poverty, disease, social justice and racial justice – and not the soul.

But he also disagreed with their counterpart – Christians who disregard the body altogether while caring only for the soul and personal morality.

“Who’s right? . . . Read the rest of the article here.

Bill H

Luke 19:11-27 ~ Preparation

Santa Claus is coming to town! And how do you suppose eager children respond? They prepare! They make their Christmas lists, start acting nice, they may even bake some cookies and leave out a glass of milk for when Santa comes down the chimney!

April 15th...ring any bells? Tax day! And how do we adults respond? We prepare right? We start saving our money for the taxes we owe. We pull out our neat, organized financial records and get started on the process as soon as possible. We always intend to meet the deadline right? Wrong! Many adults file for extensions, borrow money to pay what's owed from last year and finagle their way out of little fees here and there. Financial records?!?! You mean my tax stubs?

So what will we do as we contemplate the return of our King? In this parable Jesus is showing what will happen when the King returns. He will find those who believed in his judgment and made the necessary amends and there will be those who live in fear and denial and procrastinate in doing what is expected. Jesus is teaching here that those who can be trusted will be given more, this will be an honor and an opportunity. Those who have been lazy and irresponsible will have anything they have taken from them, judgment will come and they will pay the consequences.

Jesus is coming back, did you know that? How will you prepare?


Luke 19:1-10 ~ “The Calling of Zacchaeus”

This past weekend, President Bush was in Bagdad and a reporter through his shoe at him because he absolutely despised him. In that culture it is great insult to have a shoe thrown at you. Not to be crude to just be crude, but it is like a certain hand gesture used in other cultures when someone does not like what you did. Despite the insult thrown at him, President Bush just brushed it off. Overall our president is very much liked in that country for liberating them from Saddam.

However, can you imagine what it would be like to live in a town and no one liked you? No one! You had such a bad reputation that you were the most despised individual in the entire town. “Nobody in Jericho liked Zacchaeus.” He was a corrupt and greedy chief tax collector who made himself rich from the pockets of the people of Jericho.

Yet, who did Jesus reach out to as he walked through that city? Much to the surprise of the people and Zacchaeus, he sought out the worst of all mankind. A couple of thoughts: Jesus spotted him, called him by name, told him to come down from the tree and invited Himself to his home. The result of His show of love towards Zacchaeus, his life was never the same. Luke states in verse ten that, “The Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Would we through a shoe at Zacchaeus as he passed by or would we reach out as an Ambassador of Jesus Christ?


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Luke 18:15-30 ~ The Rich Young Ruler

What are you lacking?Are you going through life doing all the right things, saying all the right things and still feel like you are lacking something? This is exactly what the rich young ruler sought out Jesus to ask. He was living right, obeying the commandments but was still lacking. Jesus could see right through him and Jesus saw his greatest weakness, his wealth.

As I was traveling with a friend today he told me about a cousin who was close to making a decision for Christ but didn’t want to give up something in his lifestyle. He was a great guy, loves his wife and kids. He is a firefighter and loves helping others, but he is still lacking something, eternal life. He loves his lifestyle more than the opportunity to gain eternal life with Christ.

He doesn’t know why but he is going away sad along with his family that loves him. Do you know others who are still lacking, look for their greatest need and try to meet them where they are at and share the greatest thing, Jesus Christ.


Luke 18:31-43 ~ Croatian Rhapsody

Music has become a part of everyday life in our culture. We listen to music in our homes, our cars, and even at work. Music motivates us to work faster, to dream of better times, to remember that special someone, or to inspire us to greatness.

I love how Tom Wright compares this short Bible passage to the tension in a musical piece. My favorite piece of music is Maksim Mrvica’s Croatian Rhapsody. Just listening to it you can feel motivated and inspired. As Wright emphasized in his book, Luke for Everyone, you can hear the tension between the piano, the violins and the rest of the orchestra. It almost feels like I’m watching a tennis match!

In this passage, Luke writes about Jesus discussing his final days on earth while at the same time Jesus gives sight to a blind man. This blind man alone has to fight with the voices around him, yelling for Christ to pay attention to him. You can just feel the tension and urgency of this man’s desire to interact with Jesus. At the same time Jesus is fighting the disciple’s lack of understanding concerning what will be happening to him shortly.

How often do we get do try to get someone’s attention about what is happening in our lives and then we hear about the conditions of another person’s life? Many times I can be selfish about what is going on in my life and then God reminds me that my life isn’t so bad when I see how much someone else is going through. Jesus had a lot on his plate but he continually put others before himself. What a great reminder of how much God has blessed me and that I need to put others first despite my own needs.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Luke 17:20-37 ~ Appreciation

Do you appreciate what you have?

How wonderful it must have been to live in the times when Jesus was walking of the earth. How wonderful it must have been to be one of his disciples and learn directly from the master. The disciples were truly privileged. Jesus alerts them to remember this precious time as they referring to this future departure to his father: Then he said to his disciples, "The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it.” (Luke 17:22).

But Jesus was really pointing to the fact that His disciples should appreciate what they have.

Do we appreciate what we have as a result of the work of Jesus Christ? Yes, Jesus is not among us physically and we can see him in this form as the disciples experienced him, but we are also very privileged. We have the promised Helper, the Holy Spirit – something that even the disciples did not have at the time Jesus was on earth. We are greatly privileged as the Holy Spirit not indwells in us helping us to do the will of the Father.

If we listen to the Holy Spirit, God speaks to us! And Yes, we can’t hear the words of Jesus Christ as the disciples could, but we have the complete Word of God, something that even the disciples did not have. How privileged we are? Oh very much so!

Do you appreciate what you have?


Monday, December 15, 2008

Luke 17:11-19 ~ Developing a Thankful Spirit!

Just recently, our staff here at Skyview Ranch were praying for a little girl. This girl was in desperate need of a miracle. She needed a heart. It didn’t seem like there would be much hope as she was placed in the back of the line for heart transplants. It didn’t seem there are too many people willing to give up their hearts. But the Lord saw it fit to answer their prayers as a heart came in that was too small for all the others in line and would fit her perfectly. We were thrilled and I can’t even imagine how much excitement must have gone through the girls mind as well as her family.

In Luke 17:11-10, we are introduced to ten lepers who were practically dead to their families and loved ones. They couldn’t come inside the city in fear of spreading leprosy to others around them. They called out to Christ to heal them in a time when it seemed there was no hope. Christ healed them. These excited men went back to the priests to show they were clean. I can imagine hearing the priests pronounce they were clean and these people racing home to tell their families and friends that they are back to normal…But only one of the ten turned back and went and worshipped God.

Were these other nine men ungrateful? I doubt it, but they probably got so caught up in telling their loved ones, that they never returned to thank Christ or even more important, praise God. Perhaps only one really understood that this miracle was performed by God Himself.

How often and long do you pray for certain prayer requests? This could be praying for a salvation, money for bills, healing of a sickness, or so forth. Would you pray for the same request for a whole day, a week, a month, years…? When you see God answer that request, how long do you thank Him and give Him praise for it? A week, a day, an hour, a couple second prayer…do you remember to thank Him at all?

We need to develop a thankful spirit! It will change your outlook on life!

><> Josh

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Luke 17:1-10 ~ She Has Done What She Ought

She has done what she ought,” Paraphrase by Janis Steckiel.

“In the journey of life there will be obstacles but how awful it would be if you were the obstacle. You should be thrown overboard with a heavy weight on you if you insist on doing this. Be careful!

If another believer sins, tell him about it and if it turns him around, forgive him, even if he does it dozens of times, if he keeps repenting afterwards you need to keep forgiving him.

A disciple said ‘Lord, we need a lot more faith’. The Lord said ‘If you have faith as tiny as the tiniest of seeds, you could say to any tree; pick yourself up and run into the sea, and it will’.

What if you had a maid who came in after cleaning your whole house, would you say ‘come, have a cup of tea?’ No, you are more likely to say ‘fix me a cup of tea; you need to change your clothes first and bake some scones while you’re at it. Then after you have taken care of me you can have something.’ You do not thank her because she is only doing what she is supposed to be doing.
Think about this – what will your tombstone say?


When you obey do you expect praise? At the end of all things, God shows us that we are all just servants doing our job”


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Luke 16:19-31 ~ Tell Them For Me!

Luke 16:19-31, The Rich Man and Lazarus.

The rich man begged Abraham to raise Lazarus from the dead and let him warn his family about the “place of torment” by which we was eternally damned. He was naïve to believe that someone raised from the dead could convince and convict someone’s heart to change. Scripture clearly teaches that “no one comes to the Son but by the Father who draws him.” Only God and His Holy Spirit have the power to convict and change lives. That’s why the answer to the rich man’s plea was this, “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.”

After we die, it is too late to get right with God. That’s why it is our job, as followers of Christ, to show His love and proclaim the Good News to everyone while we still have breath. There are many “sheep running wild without shepherds” in this world and we need to have Christ-like compassion on them. Below I found a video that I think is a horrific and powerful example of what happens when we choose “comfortability” over “boldness” for Christ. I may not whole-heartedly agree with the method but I agree with the point and principle.

Michael B

A Letter From Hell

Luke 16:10-18 ~ True Wealth

Luke 16:10-18 speaks volumes to the financial crisis that is plaguing America today and Wright hits the nail on the head when he says, “Wealth is a killer” (196).

In our culture, we are all driven by the need for more, especially at this time of year. Jesus takes a whole new approach to riches and money, much to the disgust of the Pharisees, who viewed wealth as a sign of God’s blessing on a person.

Jesus is speaking to us today when he says “You can’t serve God and money” (v. 13). We work and work and work to have more money to buy more stuff. We want to own more, but eventually our things own us. I see many people working two jobs, not because they have to, but because they want more things. I, myself, was working two jobs at one time, out of necessity to make ends meet. I ended up working both jobs a while longer than I needed to and it was nice not to have some extra cash and not need to worry about money or paying the bills, but by that time I absolutely was miserable because I had no time for the things that mattered—God and my husband. Nobody can serve two masters (v. 13).

I think Wright makes a great point when he says “Money is not a possession, it’s a trust: God entrusts property to people and expects it to be used to his glory and the welfare of his children, not for private glory or glamour” (196). This puts a whole new spin on how a believer should use what money has been bestowed on him or her. Verse 11 of Luke 16 tells that “If you haven’t been faithful with that wicked thing called money, who is going to trust you with true wealth?” Wright says that the true wealth will belong to us in a way that money doesn’t, and we need to learn faithfulness now.

Walvoord and Zuck add: “The disciples’ wise use of wealth would help lead others to believe the message of the kingdom and bring them to accept that message” (The Bible Knowledge Commentary). What a great reminder in our trouble economy, money can’t buy happiness or even one’s way to heaven, but having a proper respect and use of it can bring a greater joy than one could ever buy.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Luke 16: 1-9 ~ An Original Pork Barrel Steward

Pay to play politics. Pork barrel spending. In the crooked world of politics, it is not usual for people to use their influence to pad their own pockets or to give favors to make people indebted to them. Chicago is seeing the fall out from this type of mismanagement of power today, but it must have happened in Jesus’ day as well.

Jesus uses an illustration about this type of dishonest steward to show his disciples that ungodly people are always looking ahead and trying to plan for their future. They are even willing to give up benefits in the present to try to store up favors from people in the future as this shrewd manager did in Luke 16:1-9. The steward knew he was headed for the poor house so he decided to forgive some of the debts that were owed his master, possibly forfeiting any profit for himself, but making a lot of “best friends” in the process. Why? He figured each of them would be good for a hand out in the future when he wanted to cash in on his good deed.

Jesus seems to be telling the disciples they are too short sighted in their views and that they could learn a thing or too from this crook. Crooked men plan for the years ahead, but the disciples should be investing things in eternal accounts that will be available forever. Money, like time and talents, should not just be used for the present but invested for the future. Jesus was certainly not admiring dishonest gain, but He did say his disciples should learn a lesson about planning for the future. While some investments are plunging right now, some will never be diminished. Jim Elliot, martyr in Ecuador, understood this principle clearly. He said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

On which side of heaven do you want to be cashing in your bonds? Start investing now!


Luke 15:25-32 ~ Challenging Grace

“Look! All of these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!”

This story is a beautiful depiction of a Father who has extended love, mercy and grace to the least deserving. However, he has also extended that same love, mercy and grace to those who feel as though they are the most deserving.

Sometimes it’s hard to watch grace being extended to others when you feel as though you are more deserving than another person. There are moments in each of our lives when we witness someone do something wrong or inappropriate and we think ‘I would never do that’ or ‘I can’t believe they just said that’. In that moment we are full of pride. We are self absorbed. We are acting like a Pharisee. We have head knowledge but very little heart knowledge. Or at best we have forgotten the grace that has been extended to us.

The funny thing about being extended grace is that sometimes it is extended to us and we don’t even realize it. Each day our bosses, friends, professors and even complete strangers extend grace to us without us ever acknowledging it. We are late to work, we are tired and thus a bit more short tempered or are unable to focus, and maybe we say something a bit off color; such actions warrant others the opportunity to extend grace. In hindsight everyone reaps the blessing of another person’s grace.

The reality is that no one deserves the love, mercy and grace of God. And yet God extends it to His children on an hourly basis. It is only by the love of Christ Jesus that we can experience what we do not deserve. In the same way, may we share the love of Christ not only to the least deserving but also to those who feel that they are the most deserving.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Luke 15:11-24 ~ The Lost Son:

I went to a funeral today for a lady who was in our Sunday school class; she was 103 years old. She never married, but she had a few nephews and nieces. One of the nephews stood up and gave a eulogy in her behalf: he first shared the story of Martha and Mary, and then said that, “Aunt Dot was like Mary, always more interested in Jesus than anything else. Secondly he spoke about the prodigal son; he said, “Aunt Dot never married or had any kids of her own, but she was like a mom to me.” He went on to say that he spent some time in his life walking away from God; but as he wept, he said, “Aunt Dot was always waiting there for me with a robe.” Not unlike the Father in the story of the Prodigal son.

Interesting observation from this parable: In these 14 verses the word “Father” is used nine times; the word “Son” is used four times. In the whole parable from verse 11 through 32 the word “Father is used twelve times and the word “Son” is use six times. Warren Wiersbe says, “We call this story ‘The Parable of the Prodigal Son’ (the word prodigal means ‘wasteful’), but it could also be called, ‘The Parable of the Loving Father,’ for it emphasizes the graciousness of the father more than the sinfulness of the son”(p.234).

While this parable shows the path of the young man: from rejecting his father, to a penitent heart, to being forgiven. It also shows the love of the father: willing to loosen his grip on the son in the beginning, then watching daily for his return, and finally embracing him tighter than ever upon his return.

Our father in heaven seems to operate the same way: He doesn’t force us to love Him, and daily wants us to be in fellowship with Him, and ultimately will embrace us tightly as we walk in humility and harmony with Him.


Luke 15:1-10 ~ Our Hope

Because you are doing a bunch of work on the Luke 15 text already, I thought I'd do something a bit different today. When reading this, we so often focus on the finding of the other lost people; but be reminded, we too, are the beneficiaries of God's great love and were once reasons for great rejoicing in heaven! Enjoy this video by Third Day and let it remind us of the great personal blessings of this text.

Luke 15:2
"This man welcomes sinners, and eats with them"
"My Hope is You"
Third Day
To you, O Lord, I lift my soul
In you, O God, I place my trust
Do not let me be up to shame
Nor let my enemies triumph over me
My hope is you
Show me your ways
Guide me in truth
In all my days
My hope is you
I am, O Lord, filled with your love
You are, O God, my salvation
Guard my life and rescue me
My broken spirits shouts
My mended heart cries out....

Bill H

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Luke 14:12-24 ~ The Great Banquet

This time of year joy rings in the midst of God’s people as the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord is celebrated. Church dinners with special music, children dressed up for the nativity singing for the Christmas programs, and sanctuaries festooned with decorations.
The parable in Luke 14:16-24 speaks of an even greater celebration-the great banquet that awaits God’s people in heaven.

The man prepared a great feast and the invitations had been sent out. The servant was sent out to gather in the guests to no avail. He collected nothing but excuses. The master was enraged, this time he sent the servant with a different task. Gather in the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. “All right master,” said the servant, “I’ve done that –but there’s still room.” (Luke 14:23). The servant’s last task was to leave no stone unturned looking for guests that the master’s house would be filled.

What a great picture of our shepherd sending us out to follow his example-not just looking in the obvious places, but holding our lamps high, looking under the bushes and in the corners!
Today I spent most of my time tied up in Harrisburg. As I sat on the sidelines watching people at the mall, I saw small crowds and almost no joy. Tired, distracted, lifeless people I saw by the score. Years ago, as I stood outside of a church in our community, I was talking to a young boy on a bicycle. In mid-conversation, he turned and looked at the building.” What do they do in there?” he asked. Will the lost come looking for us? Will they find our hidden love feasts? Or will we go out looking….


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Luke 13:31-35 ~ Jesus grieves

A few years back my best friend's house caught fire. An electrical short in the wall burned up most of the downstairs before the fire company put it out. Everything was dusted in black, even the upstairs from the smoke that rose. Once the house was cleared the family was permitted to enter, to gather up some possessions and try to salvage whatever they could. When they entered the master bedroom, they found one white spot on the carpet, in the shape of their black lab, Rocco. He laid directly in front of the closed closet door. When they opened the closet, they found two more spots, not so distinguishable because the other two dogs had cuddled up next to each other inside. As if Rocco knew his destiny, somehow he led them into the closet, nudged the door closed, and lay down his life.

Jesus is lamenting over Jerusalem's rejection. He came for them! He will soon be laying down His life, all He asks is that they would spare themselves by believing in Him. Jesus is on His knees hopelessly pleading with Jerusalem to stop, think, and believe. He knew what the outcome would be however, so he bids them a sour farewell.

Do we see the smoke rising as the fires of life burn around us? People are eternally dying. How can we lay down our dignity, pride, and money to attempt to spare their eternal lives?


Monday, December 8, 2008

Luke 13:22-30 ~ A Narrow Door

In 2001 the Graduate Center of the City University of New York conducted a survey on religious affiliation in the United States. Here are their results:

76.5% of American adults are Christian (52% Protestant; 24.5% Catholic).
14.1% do not follow any organized religion; they are Agnostics, Atheists, Humanists, Secularists, or have no religious affiliation.
1.3% are Jewish.
0.5% are Muslim, followers of Islam.
0.5% are Buddhist.
0.4% are Hindu.
0.3% are Unitarian Universalist.
0.1% are Neopagan (Druids, Pagans, Wiccans, etc)

There are many more small religions, each of whom are followed by fewer than 0.1% of American adults.

American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS)

“Many . . . will seek to enter in, and shall not be able” (Luke 13:24). The context of the passage seems clear, Jesus was referring to the nation of Israel at the time He was walking the earth. They claimed to know Him, but not as their Savior. He had given them many opportunities to come to Him but unfortunately they ignored them. We need to be careful about making an application that does not apply to us today.

Still there is a principle here worth noting and that is:
· We have freedom of religion in America like no other nation in the world.
· Many in America claim to know Him but there is little fruit to show that that is the case.
· It would be easy therefore to conclude that there will be a day when many who claim to be a Christian will stand before Him only to find out they missed the “narrow door.”

As true born again believers we must be persistent and consistent in our spiritual walk as not to hinder or block the path to the narrow door to Salvation in Jesus Christ before the door is closed for all of eternity. How are we doing?


Luke 13:10-21 ~ Animal Lovers

We all have known someone who has lavished their love upon their pet(s) as though it were a human. Even in extreme cases, rich people have willed everything to that special canine friend instead of a selfish spoiled child or relative. What causes us to care for animals so much? In Genesis chapters one and two, God gives man the responsibility to take care of all the earth including the animals. How much more do we care about our animals or possessions more than we care about connecting with and loving the people around us?

In Luke 13:10-21, Jesus rebukes the leaders of the synagogue for caring more for their animals on the Sabbath than for a woman who had been sick for 18 years. She couldn’t even stand up straight! Yet Jesus came along side her, touches her, and makes her whole again. The crowd grew excited and cheered about Jesus’ momentary win over the rulers. But the synagogue leaders were put to shame because of their supposedly “justified” reason for why they shunned this woman: “Let her come the other six days of the week.” How would that work with hospitals today? Can you imagine if you got sick on the “wrong day” and the hospital rejected you because you had the other six days of the week to come? Sounds absurd doesn’t it?

This is just a small reminder for me to remember that God has put people into my life for a reason. Loving them and caring for them is such a simple thing. As much as I love animals and the smile they bring to my face when I’m sad, I can recall numerous times when my family and friends cheered me up and cared for me. How can I not show love to others when God has blessed me with so many kind people in my life?


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Luke 13:1-9 ~ My Perfect Brother

I remember as a kid I had an older brother who was pretty much perfect. Everything he did was perfect. If anything was missing broken or dirty; I did it, or at least I got the blame. That is until one time I heard him swear! I thought this was it; he wasn’t perfect I could get him into trouble. I ran to my mom to promptly tell her of my brother’s fault. I just knew she was going to see that he wasn’t perfect and he was really going to get it!

Although in telling her that he had said a bad word I actually said the bad word too. Big mistake, I was in more trouble than he was because not only had I said the word, I was labeled as a tattletale. I was so confused and hurt.

I wonder if this is how the crowds felt after Jesus warned than that they faced the same fate if they didn’t repent. We are sometimes too quick to point to others faults yet can be condemned for the same transgression. We need to stop looking at others so critically and start looking in the mirror.


Luke 12:49-59- Reading the Signs

When I was younger I was always impressed with people who tend to “interpret and predict” the future by looking at my palm. There are people in South East Asia that practices witch crafts and they are very superstitious in everything that occurred to them. We as human have a tendency to be curious about things that are not revealed to us.

In Genesis 2 we can see that Adam and Eve had a curiosity in what was unknown to them; the two forbidden trees in the Garden of Eden. This curiosity led them to eternal condemnation, not only to themselves but also all their descendent, including us.

In a couple verses in Luke 13, Jesus confronted His listeners by saying that they took pride in predicting the weather when the rain is coming and where is the wind blowing. On the contrary, Jesus declared that there is no used in being a genius about predicting the weather when they are missing Who is right in front of them.

Like Adam and Eve, are we sometimes curious about all the wrong things? Like these people, do we sometimes take pride in predicting what will happen with the weather but lack in seeking the One who is in control over it? Are we praising and worshiping creations and not the Creator? What are we really following after?

Lydia Lun

Friday, December 5, 2008

Luke 12:35-48 ~ Are you ready?

I remember one night before Christmas I was waiting for Santa. Someone told me that Santa is coming and he will bring me presents. I was very excited. I started imagining him and tried to figure out how he will enter my house. I was very good that day and made sure that was very obedient to my parents as I heard that Santa knows when we are naughty. I did put my best cloths on and waited penitently. I did not go to sleep that night, but felt a sleep in the mooring. When I woke up I was afraid that I missed him.

Even though Santa is not coming to our houses we as Christians should always be waiting for Jesus return. Jesus promised that one day he will return and only the Father God knows the hour of his return, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mark 13:32). Jesus maybe returning in a year in a month in a day, he maybe be returning today. Are you ready? Will he be proud to see you as his faithful servant or will you be ashamed as you wasted your life on this worldly pleasure.

Jesus told his disciples that blessed in the one who awaits him faithfully. Such a servant will receive a great price and will be honored to spend eternity with his master (Luke 12:43-44). I want to be ready when my master returns. I do not want to be ashamed, but to rejoice when he comes to bring peace in this troubled world.

Are you ready?


Luke 12:13-34 Money = To Live and To Give!

When someone yells out, “Watch Out”, most of us will pay attention to the warning as we probably expect something to be flying at our heads. Jesus is the one giving the warning of “Watch Out”. We should be listening to what Christ is saying.

“Beware of all greed! Your life is not defined by the number of things you possess.”

This makes me ask why God gives us possessions in the first place if it is so easy to become consumed with these monetary things. As far as I can tell, we are continued to be blessed with money and possessions in order to live and to give.

I believe a lot of people are realizing that these possessions are not where their security should lie. I talked with one man who lost close to 175,000 in the stock market crash. Many people can relate as they have lost a lot of money where they thought it was relatively secure. So, what would have happened if those people would have invested that money into eternal investments? At this point, they would be trusting in God either way, but the second option would have had a much greater return rate and impact.

Let me get personal…why do you want to be paid? Is it to meet your needs or your wants? Do you live to give or do you live to get? When you leave this earth, will God be calling you a fool because you hoarded your money…or will He be pleased with your contributions to further His kingdom?

As Christmas is coming up, a Christmas Carol will probably be playing. Don’t be a selfish Scrooge, but rather use the blessings God has given you to bless others.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Luke 12:1-12 ~ More Warnings

In Luke 12:1-12 Jesus once again finds himself in the middle of a throng of people. These people are trying to find fault in any word or phrase He speaks, they are trying to trip Him up. That's an impossible task; take a look at the last verse in this passage where it says that the Holy Spirit will teach you what to say at the very moment you need it!

Just before this Jesus had been dining in the home of one of the Pharisees and had given them a warning of repentance. Now within earshot of those Pharisees and thousands of others He speaks directly to His disciples and tells them to watch out for hypocrisy like that of the Pharisees.

Nothing that's done in secret stays in secret. We like the Pharisees sometimes do what we do to be seen by those around us and hope that people can't see what going on in our hearts, but God can see. What is done in a whispered gossip will be proclaimed from the rooftops. Quite a scary thought!

We are called His friends! "Do not fear men" He said. Jesus had just endured an angry attack by the Pharisees and was bringing words of comfort to His disciples "but fear God" the one who has power over evil and will punish it.

This passage shows a Heavenly Father who cares more about us than the tiniest of birds, a loving Lord who intercedes for us before a Holy God and a Comforter who instructs us, giving us the right words to say before your accusers. We are equipped with everything needed to lead a life pleasing to Him and to live a life without fear for His service.


Luke 11:42-54 ~ Woes Against the Pharisees

“They interrogated him about several things, lying in wait for him to catch him in something he might say.” (Luke 11:53-54)

The outside world is watching us and waiting. We cannot be naïve to think that when we claim to be followers of Christ, people won’t be watching our every move. The reality is that those who trust in themselves for salvation and refuse to submit to Christ and His grace do not look well upon those who claim to live under grace or are “born-again.”

What does the “lost” world see when they look at your life? As they are, “lying in wait to catch” you in hypocrisy, sin, etc. what do you think they will see? The most important and influential people in your life will most likely always be the ones who are genuine and authentic in their lifestyle. When I think of my own salvation experience, I was led to Christ by someone who was living for Christ not just talking about Him. That made the difference for me!

The outside world longs for hope, whether they realize it or not. The great thing about Christ is that He makes the lost feel uncomfortable. Grace, in itself, is pretty unnatural as it relates to our own selfish and sinful nature. Therefore when people look at authentic, born-again Christians they should have some sense of unease as Christ’s light shines through. This is the power of God working in the life of that person. The conviction, questions, and rebellion can all be used as triggers for God’s divine intervention and saving power. It was in my life and probably was in yours as well.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Luke 11:29-41 ~ Easy Believism

We don’t usually think of the Ninevites as good people, in fact God-Himself called them “wicked” and Jonah went out of his way to avoid going to their city. Nineveh was known for its cruelty and brutality to its war captives as well as its blatant idolatry with several temples throughout the city (The Bible Knowledge Commentary). They were the bad guys. But Jesus says refers to the people of Nineveh as an example to his listeners in Luke 11.

The people of Nineveh repented after Jonah went yelling through the city, he didn’t do any fancy miracles, he just said “Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” That’s it! In Luke 11, Jesus is performing miracles, casting out demons which was an “in-your-face” sign of the Messiah, yet the people still ask for more!

Sometimes I think that we ask for more, “God, if you just do this one thing, then I’ll believe.” Or we try to bargain, “OK, if you ___(insert God-wish here)___ then I will ___(insert good works here)___.” It’s the same thing as the people in Luke 11, they ask for a miracle but they really don’t and won’t believe. So quit asking and be like the Ninevites (!) and simply believe the message.

The really is the essence of faith.


Luke 11:14-28 ~ Choosing Sides

Have you ever seen a pick-up game of volleyball at a park? Opposing teams start battling it out and then some people straggle in and begin to watch, content to be spectators until they decide what team they like best. In Luke 11 Jesus teaches that whether you know it or not, there are no spectators in the spiritual realm. Everyone has already chosen a side.

The scene begins with the crowds hovering around Jesus while he demands that a demon depart. Luke 11: 14 says the crowds were AMAZED. But Jesus was not interested in amazing people. He had a much deeper purpose to his miracles.

Jesus used the scene to teach an important lesson to the crowd- a lesson about teams. Just like in athletics, there are two teams. God’s and Satan’s teams are opponents in every way with opposing agendas and opposing methods. When people accused Jesus of casting out demons with Satan’s power, he explained that teams stick together if they don’t want to fail.

But some people were unsure of what team they were on. Some thought they were on God’s team because they were impressed with Jesus’ miracles or because they had not made up their mind and certainly didn’t chose the OTHER TEAM. But Jesus basically says, you can admire me and be amazed by me, but the bottom line is Have You Ever Made A Decision To Be On My Team? If you have not, you are automatically on Satan’s team. There is no fence, no in between. Jesus said, “Whoever is not with me is against me.”(11:23)

Today a lot of people think they are sitting on the fence, waiting to make a decision about God. But one thing is for certain, everyone is on one of those two teams. It is past time to choose sides, but there is still time to change sides, especially since His side has already won.
John 6:36 “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him.”


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Luke 11:1-13 ~ Persistent Pursuit

There are times in each of our lives when we have a specific need. By need I mean something that we cannot wait for but have to have immediately. We find ourselves in a near state of panic as we try to figure out how we are going something paid, accomplish the task set before us, a family member or friend is facing a life threatening illness, we are confused about what to do about a certain relationship etc.

In looking at the passage referred to as the Lord’s Prayer in Luke 11:1-13 Jesus tells a story about a man who had an immediate need. The man went to the house of a friend only to be turned down in the late of the night. Jesus points out that” … because of your shameless persistence he will get up and give you whatever you need” (Luke 11:8).

Much in the same way is our Father in Heaven. T. Wright observes that Jesus “is encouraging a kind of holy boldness, a sharp knocking on the door, an insistent asking, a searching that refuses to give up” (134). When it comes to our immediate needs the Lord is completely aware of them. However, He wants us to besiege Him in faith through prayer and petition for the things that concern us the most.

As Wright correctly observes: “There are, of course, too many things to pray about. That’s why it’s important to be disciplined and regular” ( Wright, 129).

Each day we face new challenges and have new needs, and all too often we become overwhelmed by the demands placed on us by bosses, coworkers, family, friends and even ourselves. The truth is that we all have needs and we need answers now. May this passage serve to remind us that we have a loving Father who is standing by waiting to hear from us. He longs for His children to cry out to Him. May each of us take time out today from our hustling around to meet deadlines and demands to besiege our merciful, loving Father. And may we each begin by saying “Father, may your name be honored; may your kingdom come; give us each day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins, as we too forgive all our debtors; and don’t put us to the test” (Luke 11:2-4).


Luke 10:38-42 ~ Perception is Everything

There was a movie out recently called “Vantage Point.” In this movie there was a terrorist attack. The first part of the movie showed the attack through the eyes of one witness. Then the movie showed the attack through the eyes of another witness. They did this several times; and each time it was shown over through the eyes of a different observer; it looked like a replay but with more information. So it is in Luke 10:38-42.

At first glance we can take a look at Martha and think that she had everything together. In verse 38 she displays her hospitality by inviting Jesus into her home. In Luke 10:40 she is quite involved with much serving, so, evidently she had a servant’s heart. Also in verse 40 she called Jesus “Lord”; that is a good thing – we need to see Him as Lord.

At second glance we see Martha through the eyes of Luke, (the writer of this Gospel). He said that Martha was “cumbered about with much serving”. This word cumbered means, drawn from the center. Luke’s observations would suggest that she was missing what was central or important.

At third glance we hear from Martha; she indicts herself with just two short sentences. First she accused the Lord of not caring; she also accused Mary of not helping. When we are out of balance spiritually we can get critical and judgmental. Secondly, she didn’t ask her sister to help, instead, right in front of her sister, she complained to Jesus. Thirdly, we can see that she called Jesus “Lord” but then started bossing Him around. Lord means “boss” but she inadvertently tried to trump His Lordship by telling Him what to do. You can see in her two short sentences that she was self-absorbed as she used three or four personal pronouns.

At fourth glance we can see this situation through the eyes of Jesus. He spoke very compassionately to her as He called her name twice, (maybe somewhat of a calming address). He proceeded to tell Martha that she was worried and bothered about too many things; (we get our word, “turbulence” from the Greek word, “turbozo”). It was as if Jesus was watching her run on the hamster wheel of life, and He finally addressed her troubled state when she came in to spew her feelings.

At fifth glance we can’t tell what Mary was thinking; only that she was sitting and listening. Interesting observation: all three times Mary is mentioned in the gospels she is at the feet of Jesus. Two of these times she is being accused by someone. In this passage she is being accused by Martha; in John chapter 12 she is being accused by Judas for wasting pricy perfume. Both times she is being attacked – she said nothing; but both times Jesus came to her defense.

I guess from this overview, our perspective should be: We would do better to rest at the feet of Jesus.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Luke 10:25-37 ~ The Good Samaritan?

It wasn’t orchestrated, but the placement of the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37) at this point in our course is God-ordained, perfect timing. We are at the tail-end of our Redemptive Presence project, and I hope you did not miss the connections.

In his wring, Wright points out that this is the first parable in the Discipleship section of Luke (p. 128), thus emphasizing it's importance. Moreover, he wants us to move beyond the obvious moral lessons of 1) helping those in need, 2) even if that person is somehow your mortal enemy. Rather, the greater, or probably the “deeper,” lesson is: that as followers of God we should not just do good, but that we should see ourselves as called to do good (i.e., Micah 6:8).

In the text Wright asks: “will we see it as a call and challenge to extend that love and grace (God’s love and grace given to us) to the whole world” (p. 129)?

This is certainly, in light of our recent work, a very appropriate question for us to ask.

He concludes: “No church, no Christian, can remain content with easy definitions which allow us to watch most of the world lying in half-dead in the road. Today’s preachers, and today’s defenders of the Gospel, must find fresh ways of telling the story of God’s love which will do for our day what the brilliant parable did for Jesus’ first hearers.” (p. 129)

So, how is our Redemptive Presence? Is there something for all of us to learn from this courageous Samaritan?

Bill H