Monday, November 3, 2008

Luke 2:21-40 ~ Simeon's Faith

Jesus was no ordinary baby!

Mary and Joseph knew that from the beginning, but God continues to make the point clear. John leapt in the womb of his mother and angels sang at the birth of Jesus, and now individuals at the temple are rejoicing when they Mary’s baby. It is the latter that I will focus on, because they, in particular a man name Simeon, are examples of faith and hope.

Simeon words hold such meaning and emotion, “Now Lord, You are releasing your bond-servant to depart in peace, According to your word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation” (vs. 29-30). I imagine Simeon had that feeling that a new mom has when she looks into the face of her tiny baby, or for a man when the woman you love says “yes” to your marriage proposal—an overwhelming sense of joy, love, and hope.

Simeon was looking into the face of the tiny baby Jesus and realizing that God had kept His promise. Simeon did not need to see the Messiah as a grown man because he knew God would continue to keep His promise, Jesus would be a “light of revelation to the Gentiles” and the glory of Israel.

Fast-forward to present day. God has fulfilled those long–ago made promises and they are written in the Bible. Many prophecies have come to pass and some are still to be fulfilled in the future. God has kept His promise and provided Hope in Jesus. I am challenged by Simeon faith and I hope you are too.

Samantha Page


Bryan said...

Just this morning I was asking the Lord how long I must wait for something that He has placed in my heart. As I am readying about Simeon here I am convicted by my impatients. Simeon waited his entire life to see the face of the Lord. He longed for it. I desired to see the Lord and so in his later years the Lord revealed Himself to Simeon. Simeon I suspect didn't care at what stage in the life of the Lord that he saw Him. Simeon simply wanted to see the Lord. His request was granted. His longing had been fulfilled.

Sam, I think you hit it right on when you said "Simeon was looking into the face of the tiny baby Jesus and realizing that God had kept His promise. Simeon did not need to see the Messiah as a grown man because he knew God would continue to keep His promise".

I very much needed these words. I am encouraged. Thank you!

Carol said...

Samantha, I also appreciate your comments. Too often I forget the emotions that the people in the Bible were feeling.You helped me picture Simeon's joy.Often, I think my problem is a short attention span. How long I remember the marvelous things that I have seen God doing in my life as well as others reflects the length of time I have spent meditating on them.

Jeannie Vogel said...

Thanks so much for reminding us that God is always faithful to keep His promises and that we need to be faithful in waiting for Him to act.

Andy Harkleroad said...

Your last paragraph speaks to the promises of God being fulfilled. What an encouragement! We can depend on God for His word for several reasons: one would be just because He said so; second because He has a perfect history of being good for His word. This can be seen in the Bible as well as in our own lives. I am so thankful.