Saturday, November 22, 2008

Luke 7:36-50 ~ Contrasts

This passage in Luke is full of contrasts. Here we have a woman who was once a sinner and a Pharisee who is scornful. We have a man who has unspoken thoughts that are read by an all-knowing Savior, and this same man who speaks while this woman acts. We have an invitation to an inhospitable house, in contrast to an act of indescribable love.

Jesus is at the house of Simon a Pharisee and a woman seizes the opportunity to pour her affections upon Him. The breaking of her perfume bottle fills the room, as if her presence had not already done that. This is no quiet or small act. Everyone sees what is going on and now the smell fills the room.

“Her sins, which are many, have been forgiven because she has shown great love” Are we seen as our sins being forgiven by the measure of love we display? Was it a small forgiveness or was it huge? We know it was huge because it took our Savior to the cross, and we know in our hearts are sins are many! By our actions we need to show a world who does not know Jesus our great love for the One who died for us.



Dangerous Dave said...

When I read abut Simon the Pharisee I was convicted of my own biases. Jesus was able to look past the woman's sin to see her faith. I wonder how many times I have looked at the sin of a person and was disturbed, not a the sin but the person. I think I have calloused my heart too much in this area. I need to have the eyes of Jesus to look past the outside.

Andy Harkleroad said...

It seems like Jesus focussed on the sinner and the Pharisees focussed on the sin.

I get a little concerned thinking about my own evaluation process. I get scared that I can be Pharisaical.
