Thursday, November 13, 2008

Luke 5:12-16 ~ The Power of Affection

I can vividly remember as a child anxiously waiting for my Daddy to bend down on his knee so I could wrap my arms around him and give him a big, breathtaking hug. Or at least I thought I could take his breath away, if I squeezed him hard enough. As I grew a little bit, the new challenge became trying to run and jump so high that my dad couldn’t catch me. Needless to say, he always did. I remember when I was almost eighteen my parents had been divorced for a while, so sometimes it was a few weeks before I got to see my dad. I ran through the parking lot to him, jumped, and he let out a huge groan as I nearly crippled him to the ground when he caught me. I felt pretty bad, but I was simply overwhelmed by finally seeing him after so long.

As I’ve been at school for months now, I can’t wait to go home and feel my dad’s comforting hug. No one else gives me a hug like my daddy.

I wonder how the leper felt when Jesus touched him.

Had he been longing for healing all his life, or had he gotten over it and learned to cope? Physical touch was far removed from his everyday life, I wonder if he remembered what it felt like to be hugged, or affectionately encouraged by a loved one’s touch.

Jesus has a way of giving us what we need and sometimes even what we want. I bet this leper had tears in his eyes as he hopefully looked up at Jesus, from a prostrate position, and begged to be cleaned. The leper believed Jesus could do it, and he hoped that this healing would be everything he needed plus more.

We know Jesus could see his heart, and he knew the man was aching to be free from this disease and all the hindrances. Jesus touched him on the hand, and with two simple words, changed the man’s physical and eternal life – forever. As he can, and does, for us as well.



Lydia said...
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Lydia said...

Five languages of Love!
Mandy, it is so encouraging to hear of the relationship that you have with your dad. I didn't grew up in an environment where we show our affection of love by touch or words. We do by in doing things for people. In my culture's mentality showing love publicly or saying out loud protrays someone's weakness!!
When I came to the state I was shocked to find out that it is healthy, esp for babies and younger kids, to know that they are loved by our touch and uplifting words!
I do now get used to the idea of hugs and saying "i care about you or i love you"- There is nothing wrong if I mean what I say.
I got to know Christ's love in a deeper level when I got to the States...I used to know God as a God who keeps His distance from His creation, a God who judges sinners rather than loving sinners.
It is encouranging to know how my perspective of God has changed because of my environment! :) Praise Him for His Agape Love!!!

Michael B said...

Mandy, I appreciate your reminder of "love." Your relationship with your dad is encouraging. I am currently on the road right now away from my wife and daughter for a few days. Your post makes me think of the amazing feeling I get when I hug my baby girl. Likewise, when we have a "family hug." How much more amazing is it going to be one day when we'll have a chance to hug Jesus?

Carol said...

What a blessing a loving father is. The picture of you hugging your father warms my heart. The touch of someone who loves you so precious.I can't even imagine having to live outside of society, isolated, starved for news of the ones I love perhaps.My family is not demonstrative and I know that I have been slow to appreciate how they show love.When I see a family bereft of kindness, I appreciate how great that love is.How much greater is the love of my father in heaven who loves me with all my warts.

Samantha said...

Te fact that Jesus went against the society norm and actually touched a leper is amazing. It's another example of Jesus breaking the stigma against the outcasts of his day.

Shannon Birdsall said...

Isn't it amazing how much we as humans need the sense of touch! As I was saying good-bye to various people before I moved to CA, I began to understood my relationship with them more by the way we departed. One whole group gave me an ice cream cake, while others spent time with me, but only my closest and dearest friends hugged me.

I can't imagine how much the touch of Christ meant to that leper. The willingness to touch or embrace another person shows that we are comfortable or vulnerable enough to get so close to them. Unfortunately that touch can be betraying at times due to our human nature but we are willing to take that risk. How often do we forget to thank God for our sense of touch?!

Jeannie Vogel said...

I identified with your longing for dad hugs. My dad has comforted me with great big hugs my whole life and since he is 6'4, he had strong arms. How much stronger the arms of Jesus who reached out and touched the need of the leper and healed his deepest need. Jeannie