Sunday, December 14, 2008

Luke 17:1-10 ~ She Has Done What She Ought

She has done what she ought,” Paraphrase by Janis Steckiel.

“In the journey of life there will be obstacles but how awful it would be if you were the obstacle. You should be thrown overboard with a heavy weight on you if you insist on doing this. Be careful!

If another believer sins, tell him about it and if it turns him around, forgive him, even if he does it dozens of times, if he keeps repenting afterwards you need to keep forgiving him.

A disciple said ‘Lord, we need a lot more faith’. The Lord said ‘If you have faith as tiny as the tiniest of seeds, you could say to any tree; pick yourself up and run into the sea, and it will’.

What if you had a maid who came in after cleaning your whole house, would you say ‘come, have a cup of tea?’ No, you are more likely to say ‘fix me a cup of tea; you need to change your clothes first and bake some scones while you’re at it. Then after you have taken care of me you can have something.’ You do not thank her because she is only doing what she is supposed to be doing.
Think about this – what will your tombstone say?


When you obey do you expect praise? At the end of all things, God shows us that we are all just servants doing our job”



Andy Harkleroad said...

"You do not thank her because she is only doing what she is supposed to be doing."
Our nature can be so prone to doing for recognition.
John 12:43 speaks of the Pharisees that loved to please men more than they were concerned with pleasing God. I wonder when the bema seat takes place how much will withstand the fire. I think it is easy to deceive ourselves into thinking we are doing for God, but really doing because we are supposed to or it looks good.

It is a constant process that I need to go through making sure that I am trying to please my Savior, not others.


Lydia said...
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Lydia said...

Your pose it very humbling...Sometimes it is so silly of me to think that God needed me to accomplished his work and without me he couldn't...
Yes, to be humble and having a servant heart is the way to be, since it is all about Christ!


Michael B said...

Nice post, Janis.

Often times we look for an "atta boy" when we are simply just doing what we're supposed to be doing. Even as it relates to our walk with Christ, if we are living according to His word, we should not be exalted. We are only doing what God wants us to do!
