Monday, December 15, 2008

Luke 17:11-19 ~ Developing a Thankful Spirit!

Just recently, our staff here at Skyview Ranch were praying for a little girl. This girl was in desperate need of a miracle. She needed a heart. It didn’t seem like there would be much hope as she was placed in the back of the line for heart transplants. It didn’t seem there are too many people willing to give up their hearts. But the Lord saw it fit to answer their prayers as a heart came in that was too small for all the others in line and would fit her perfectly. We were thrilled and I can’t even imagine how much excitement must have gone through the girls mind as well as her family.

In Luke 17:11-10, we are introduced to ten lepers who were practically dead to their families and loved ones. They couldn’t come inside the city in fear of spreading leprosy to others around them. They called out to Christ to heal them in a time when it seemed there was no hope. Christ healed them. These excited men went back to the priests to show they were clean. I can imagine hearing the priests pronounce they were clean and these people racing home to tell their families and friends that they are back to normal…But only one of the ten turned back and went and worshipped God.

Were these other nine men ungrateful? I doubt it, but they probably got so caught up in telling their loved ones, that they never returned to thank Christ or even more important, praise God. Perhaps only one really understood that this miracle was performed by God Himself.

How often and long do you pray for certain prayer requests? This could be praying for a salvation, money for bills, healing of a sickness, or so forth. Would you pray for the same request for a whole day, a week, a month, years…? When you see God answer that request, how long do you thank Him and give Him praise for it? A week, a day, an hour, a couple second prayer…do you remember to thank Him at all?

We need to develop a thankful spirit! It will change your outlook on life!

><> Josh

1 comment:

Mark said...

It is so easy to get caught up in everyday life and though we have a thankful heart, not thank God for all He has done for us. Praise should roll off our lips as quickly as the prayers do.

Thanks Josh for the challenge!