Friday, December 12, 2008

Luke 16: 1-9 ~ An Original Pork Barrel Steward

Pay to play politics. Pork barrel spending. In the crooked world of politics, it is not usual for people to use their influence to pad their own pockets or to give favors to make people indebted to them. Chicago is seeing the fall out from this type of mismanagement of power today, but it must have happened in Jesus’ day as well.

Jesus uses an illustration about this type of dishonest steward to show his disciples that ungodly people are always looking ahead and trying to plan for their future. They are even willing to give up benefits in the present to try to store up favors from people in the future as this shrewd manager did in Luke 16:1-9. The steward knew he was headed for the poor house so he decided to forgive some of the debts that were owed his master, possibly forfeiting any profit for himself, but making a lot of “best friends” in the process. Why? He figured each of them would be good for a hand out in the future when he wanted to cash in on his good deed.

Jesus seems to be telling the disciples they are too short sighted in their views and that they could learn a thing or too from this crook. Crooked men plan for the years ahead, but the disciples should be investing things in eternal accounts that will be available forever. Money, like time and talents, should not just be used for the present but invested for the future. Jesus was certainly not admiring dishonest gain, but He did say his disciples should learn a lesson about planning for the future. While some investments are plunging right now, some will never be diminished. Jim Elliot, martyr in Ecuador, understood this principle clearly. He said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

On which side of heaven do you want to be cashing in your bonds? Start investing now!


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