Friday, December 5, 2008

Luke 12:35-48 ~ Are you ready?

I remember one night before Christmas I was waiting for Santa. Someone told me that Santa is coming and he will bring me presents. I was very excited. I started imagining him and tried to figure out how he will enter my house. I was very good that day and made sure that was very obedient to my parents as I heard that Santa knows when we are naughty. I did put my best cloths on and waited penitently. I did not go to sleep that night, but felt a sleep in the mooring. When I woke up I was afraid that I missed him.

Even though Santa is not coming to our houses we as Christians should always be waiting for Jesus return. Jesus promised that one day he will return and only the Father God knows the hour of his return, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mark 13:32). Jesus maybe returning in a year in a month in a day, he maybe be returning today. Are you ready? Will he be proud to see you as his faithful servant or will you be ashamed as you wasted your life on this worldly pleasure.

Jesus told his disciples that blessed in the one who awaits him faithfully. Such a servant will receive a great price and will be honored to spend eternity with his master (Luke 12:43-44). I want to be ready when my master returns. I do not want to be ashamed, but to rejoice when he comes to bring peace in this troubled world.

Are you ready?



Shannon Birdsall said...

What?! Santa isn't coming to my house?! Just kidding.

Thanks for sharing Timothy. Often times I consider what I may be doing if Christ were to return at that moment. I definitely know of things even this week that I would not have wanted Christ to find me doing, saying, or considering if he were to return at that moment.

The main thing to remember is that as Christians we have the Holy Spirit with us always. That alone should change our thinking and behavior! Many of us Christians get comfortable in life, letting sin happen here and there. But we need to remember that we've been given victory over sin and live like we believe it.


Michael B said...


Awesome video...


Lydia said...

Wow..Michael..Thanks for posting that gave me a chill...powerful clip! :)
Great reminder!