Saturday, December 13, 2008

Luke 16:19-31 ~ Tell Them For Me!

Luke 16:19-31, The Rich Man and Lazarus.

The rich man begged Abraham to raise Lazarus from the dead and let him warn his family about the “place of torment” by which we was eternally damned. He was naïve to believe that someone raised from the dead could convince and convict someone’s heart to change. Scripture clearly teaches that “no one comes to the Son but by the Father who draws him.” Only God and His Holy Spirit have the power to convict and change lives. That’s why the answer to the rich man’s plea was this, “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.”

After we die, it is too late to get right with God. That’s why it is our job, as followers of Christ, to show His love and proclaim the Good News to everyone while we still have breath. There are many “sheep running wild without shepherds” in this world and we need to have Christ-like compassion on them. Below I found a video that I think is a horrific and powerful example of what happens when we choose “comfortability” over “boldness” for Christ. I may not whole-heartedly agree with the method but I agree with the point and principle.

Michael B

A Letter From Hell


Jeannie Vogel said...

Thank you for that graphic reminder that hell is real and people are really headed there. I don't think we can ever be to conscious of our responsibility to share Christ with others, even though we know Christ ultimately draws and wins them.
I read about a man who saved many people's lives when a bridge collapsed by running down the road screaming to warn the oncoming cars. Some thought he was crazy but all were thankful when they got the message before it was too late. We should be just as passionate about warning people about hell, before it is too late.

Josh said...


I think it is noteworthy to see that these Pharisees and other spiritual leaders did see someone raised from the dead. Many saw Christ Himself raised and others heard about it. But yet there were still so many people that didn't and don't believe. So, the rich man's relatives probably would have just cast that message aside just as they did with the other messages they have heard.

Now we are the ones giving that message...we can't convince people of their eternal destiny, but it is our duty to tell them.

><> Josh

mandy said...

Sometimes it takes death, or someone running around screaming about Jesus to catch the attention of a lost person's soul. But, what do we do when the most tragic events don't seem to break down the faith barriers at all? We pray, unceasingly for the salvation of souls. Then we can believe, that God will send the right people with the right method.

Lydia said...

I am challenged by this clip and it is true that there are times when the gospel seems even dull to me. I need that fire burning. I need to be excited and wanting to share just the way I was when I first got saved.
Why do we often feel like we deserve or even ungreatful of the Salvation that God gives to us?